Keto Super Powder | Exceptional Keto | Le Regime Keto | Atlantic Meadows Keto

Keto Super Powder That didn't work! A Naturopath said the dizziness was coming from a shoulder injury while a Chiropractor, who is also a doctor, told me the same thing. So the symptoms went on and nothing improved.

One day after a little exercise in the garden my right arm seized with such pain I could barely move it. That was diagnosed as a frozen muscle and it took over 2 weeks to get better. The doctor prescribed Valium for relaxation at night as the pain kept me awake. Being allergic to drugs that advice was not followed.

As nothing medically helped it was the Spirit that provided the answer and subsequent healing. Desperate to get better and with a heartfelt request to know the cause it was a huge surprise when it pointed to the Bok Choy.

Keto Super Powder


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