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Omega Xr second thing that is important to know about the Old Brain is that is has no concept of time. It knows nothing about years, decades, and schedules. It lives in the "eternal now. When you get now what you needed then, the Old Brain says, "Yes, thank you. I can't tell you how wonderful that feels."   This is why wise therapists and this WEB site are showing couples how to be healing agents for each other --because that is the place for the most powerful and effective healing to take place. 

The Old Brain and Danger     When the Old Brain perceives risk or danger, pain or frustration, it knows how to do five general strategies. The Old Brain knows how to hide. How do you hide in relationships? Not talking, refusing to share or self-disclose, lying, keeping secrets. When I was in graduate school, one of my professors told of an architect who build a secret room in his home and did not tell his wife about it. Whenever, he was really frustrated, he would just disappear. He really knew how to hide as a way of protecting.


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